The second Global Christian Forum Gathering will take place on 4 – 7 October 2011 at Hotel Seruni in Cisarua, near Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. The gathering will bring together some three hundred participants from the widest possible range of Christian traditions and from all parts of the world. It will focus on stories reflecting what the Spirit is saying to the churches, on the rapidly changing and multiple faces of world Christianity today and what these mean for Christian unity and common witness. The gathering will also be asked to provide guidance for the GCF beyond 2011. In deciding to go to Indonesia the GCF Committee wants to recognize once again the shifting of the centre of Christianity to the global South (the first Global Forum Gathering was in Limuru, Kenya, in November 2007). Four national church bodies in Indonesia: the PGI (Ecumenical), the PGPI (Pentecostal), the PGLII (Evangelical) and the KWI (Catholic) will join forces to receive the second Global Forum Gathering and to take care of all the local arrangements.
The GCF Committee has approved the setting up of two Foundations to further the process of the Global Christian Forum in the areas of fundraising and administration. Since its inception some twelve years ago the Global Christian Forum has been a movement, or a process, and the committee has affirmed on several occasions its resolve not to institutionalize it as an established international organization. With the growing response to the initiatives of the GCF and the expectation that it will continue for some time into the future certain constraints regarding its financial sustainability and operational capacity have surfaced. In order to respond to these needs the committee has decided that two Foundations will be created, in Switzerland and in the USA. As legal entities these Foundations will be entitled to raise, receive and manage funds on behalf of the Global Christian Forum and to provide other legal support as may be required. The authority to guide and direct the GCF will remain with the committee.
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