A new 3.5 year grant has been awarded to The Faraday Institute which will fund new activities associated with the Institute. This includes funding to build on the momentum of the Test of Faith initiative in reaching the Christian community around the world.
The new project will begin this summer, and will focus on the development of stories that speak positively to the relationship between science and Christianity. The results will be shared on the Test of Faith blog, in talks and articles, and eventually in a book. Test of Faith will be promoted alongside this work, and new content will continue to be added to the Test of Faith website, Facebook group and YouTube channel. Test of Faith will also be translated into several languages and promoted in other countries.
Short Article: Christianity and Science in Historical Perspective, by Ted Davis
Book review: Dave Bookless, God doesn't do waste: Redeeming the whole of life (IVP, 2010), by Clare Redfern
Youth for Christ (YFC) UK's Mettle resources for Spring 2011 feature a series of three Hot Potato sessions on science and Christianity that were developed with input from Test of Faith. The Bible notes for young people that accompany the Mettle teaching materials also include a number of science-focused devotions that make use of content from Test of Faith. We have been delighted to be able to help YFC develop quality resources for teenagers in this way.
The Test of Faith website has been updated, with new sections for events and churches. Please pass information about the churches page in particular to any clergy or church leaders that you know.
Ruth Bancewicz, who works for the Faraday Instittute, will be participating in the scientific network at the European Leadership Forum, Hungary, 21st-26th May.
God and the Brain: What neuroscience can teach us about people and God. Pentecost Festival event. Speaker: Revd Dr Alasdair Coles, Neurologist, Cambridge University. Wed 8th June, 7.30pm, The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, Oxford Road, London, UK.
Saturday 11th June, Faraday Institute/Test of FAITH stand at the Pentecost Festival Marketplace, Biblefresh Zone, Methodist Central Hall Westminster.
Science and Faith, seminar by Ruth Bancewicz at New Wine, Sunday 24th July.
Contemporary Issues in Science and Christianity, seminar by Ruth Bancewicz at Greenbelt Festival, 26th-29th August.
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