- When is a LEP not a LEP? - Everyone has heard of a Local Ecumenical Partnerships, abbreviated to LEP from time immemorial. Last year the British Government saw fit to introduce Local Enterprise Partnerships, also to be abbreviated. So, take your pick.
- Who might be wearing their own ordinary hat from 2011? I'm afraid this is a rather silly pun. So, 'their own' would be 'personal' and 'ordinary hat' is of course the 'ordinariate'. The first Anglicans were received into the Ordinariate on Saturday 1 January 2011.
- Who is the odd one out? (Give your reason.) Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Archbishop Rowan Williams, Bishop Nathan Hovhanissian and Commissioner Elizabeth Matear. These are the four Presidents of Churches Together in England. Bishop Hovhanissian stood down during 2010, as reported in a post last year.
- What do the following have in common? Be specific for extra points ... Revd Martin Atkins, Revd Roberta Rominga, Revd David Cornick, Revd Olav Fyske Tveit, Brother Stephen Smyth. They are all General Secretaries of, in the same order, the Methodist Church of Great Britain,the United Reformed Church, Churches Together in England, the World Council of Churches and Action of Churches Together in Scotland.
- Join the dots ...
Lausanne - First Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation 1976
Edinburgh Cape Town - Edinburgh 2010 (Centenary of 1910) in June 2010 and the Third Lausanne Congress of World Evangelisation in October 2010.
Now pay attention through 2011 and see if you can answer the next quiz!
This quiz was so hard! I would lever have got the ordinary hat one...never! It was fun trying though :)